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How to adjust the size of the slit in the laser die cutting machine [skill]

Oct. 31, 2022

In order to adjust the cutting gap of the laser die cutting machine, it is necessary to understand the principle of the laser beam before the cutting gap can be adjusted. Therefore, we start with the principle of the laser beam.

The principle of laser beam is focusing of laser beam. In the process of focusing, it is a process from large to small. At each point, the light spot emitted by it is not the same size. Therefore, at each position, the slits cut out Sizes vary. In the process of cutting light, its energy is relatively strong in the state of the surface, but as the thickness of the material increases, the cutting force becomes weaker and weaker, and the energy required is higher and higher. Therefore, the size of the cutting gap of the laser knife die cutting machine can be adjusted by the focal length and energy. 

The die board has two sides for cutting, one is the surface and the other is the bottom surface, and the two sides are relatively strict for the cutting seam. During the cutting process, it depends on which surface to be cut fails to meet the requirements, and then debug the equipment according to the cutting requirements.

 How to adjust the size of the slit in the laser die cutting machine [skill]

How to adjust the size of the cutting gap?

1. When cutting the surface, if the cutting surface is thick, you can lower the cutting head, or put it higher. With the difference of the distance, the cut seam is also different, depending on the position, the cut seam will be compared. It's better, so the above cutting seam can be adjusted by the focal length.

2. Cut seam under bottom. When the light reaches the bottom of the cutting, its energy will be weaker, the cutting lines will be thinner, the energy can be raised a little bit, the energy of the beam will be stronger, and the cutting effect will be better. If the cutting seam is thicker, you can speed up the cutting speed, and the cutting line will be thinner.


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